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(509) 560-7051
Spokane Naturalization
Becoming a U.S. Citizen
(509) 560-7051
Spokane Naturalization is the process by which citizenship (administered in Spokane, Washington) is conferred upon a foreign citizen after he fulfills immigration requirements during his application for citizenship. Through the immigration process of naturalization, he can become a U.S. citizen.
Naturalization is the only way to become a U.S. citizen if you were not born a U.S. citizen or did not acquire citizenship immediately after birth.
In general, citizenship may be bestowed upon birth, derived from one’s parent or spouse, or acquired through judicial and / or administrative means, such as the process of naturalization.
As per Article I, Section 8 of the United States Nationality Law, the Congress was given the power to establish a uniform Rule of Naturalization.
By virtue of this rule, Spokane Naturalization includes advantages and privileges afforded by the state to a naturalized citizen. The state gives the naturalized citizen access to welfare and allows him to register, vote, hold a U.S. passport and even serve on a jury.
Spokane naturalization requires the following:
- Residence and Physical Presence – The immigrant must have a 5-year residence in Spokane with at least 3 months in a settled location. He must also be present for at least one-half of these 5 years. In the case of absence, 6 months to 1 year breaks continuity but can still be overcome. A 1-year absence, on the other hand, breaks continuity according to US Nationality law.
- Age – The minimum age requirement of the applicant is 18 years old. If he is under 18, he can acquire citizenship at the time his parent is naturalized.
- English Literacy and Education Requirements – The applicant must read, write, speak and understand English. He must also have a knowledge and understanding of the fundamental history, principles, and the form of the U.S. government.
- Good Moral Character – An applicant must possess good moral character. The government does have the power to require the applicant to submit a list of all the organizations to which he has belonged. This, however, does not infringe upon his right to assembly, but is a standard operating procedure in the processing of his naturalization application.
- Attachment to Constitutional Principles – The applicant must be attached to the principles of the U.S. Constitution, and well disposed to the good order and happiness of the U.S. He must have strong beliefs in certain principles such as democracy and the ideals of the Bill of Rights.
- Oath of Allegiance to the U.S. – This must be sworn before a judge. The applicant pledges to renounce his loyalty to his old country. The oath is the final step to citizenship, and all applicants must promise to support and defend the U.S. Constitution and bear arms if required by law.
The processing time for Spokane Naturalization usually takes an average of 6 months to about 1 year from the time you apply.
How can you ensure that the application is not returned before it is fully evaluated? The answer is simple. Just follow these steps:
- Fill out the naturalization form and submit the application. Be sure all of the information requested is included, and have current photographs and fingerprints taken.
- Be interviewed and take the Oath of Allegiance.
If you are not a U.S. citizen and want to become one by virtue of naturalization, an immigration attorney is in the best position to help you. He can attend to your needs regarding your citizenship status.
Not only can a lawyer help you prepare for your interview but he can also assemble the required documents for your naturalization application.
As a U.S. citizen acquired through naturalization, you should remember that your citizenship is both a right and an obligation.
For your immigration related concerns, you may contact the Quiroga Law Office, PLLC at (509) 560-7051
Or email Hector Quiroga, a Spokane Naturalization and Citizenship Lawyer, here.