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(509) 560-7051
Spokane Immigration Worker
(509) 560-7051
Spokane Immigration Worker – With Spokane becoming the bustling metropolis of the Inland Pacific Northwest, the rise of mass immigration has been attributed to jobs filling the vacancies at this charming Lilac City.
The acceleration of migrant workers took an upstream due to the global economic crisis experienced during the 1970's.
There are reasons why people have chosen the United States to work in a variety of fields from engineering to health care, accounting to tourism, management to business.
- Collapse of the Bretton Woods currency system – This monetary system was used to establish the rules for commercial and financial relations among the world’s major industrial states in the mid 20th century. Its chief features included a fully negotiated monetary order intended to govern monetary relations among nation states and an obligation for each member to adopt a monetary policy that maintained the exchange rate of its currency within a fixed value.
- A deepening crisis of profitability encouraged an acceleration of foreign direct investment, the rise of multinational corporations, and the subsequent increase in trade.
- The 1965 Hart-Cellars Act opened the door to third world immigration for those with relatives already in the United States, with advanced skills, or those with refugee or asylum status.
As a Spokane Immigration worker, your visa or green card application is based on a job with a U.S. employer. Certain parts of the paperwork may have to be filed with, and ruled on by, the US Department of Labor (DOL).
The DOL’s role is twofold. First, it wants to make sure that hiring immigrant workers doesn’t make it harder for U.S. workers to get a job. Second, it seeks an assurance that the immigrant is being paid a fair wage. In context, the Department of Labor is tasked to:
- Approve or reject labor applications. Labor certification is the grounds for an approved visa to emigrate, but does not assure that visa will ultimately be granted. However, there seems to be no guarantee that the alien will be admitted.
For unduly Restrictive Job Requirements, a test is necessary for determining whether the job qualifies as a “business necessity.”
- The business necessity standard complies with the job requirement bearing a reasonable relationship to the occupation in the context of the employer’s business. It is essential to perform, in a reasonable manner, the job duties as described by the employer.
- If the job requirement merely “tends to contribute or enhance the efficiency and quality of the business,” then it is not enough to be considered as a job requirement.
Spokane Immigration workers must understand the following:
- A job requirement must be those normally required in the U.S., eliminating the need for personal preferences. Employers will establish the requirements for a job of a bona fide occupational qualification.
- The prevailing wage requirement must be offered.
- Once certification is granted, you can work wherever. Get in line on the day it is filed. The U.S. system is very front-loaded, which only means that the burdens all precede getting here, but once you are here it becomes very easy to get work, enroll in school, or get yourself an apartment.
As immigrants continue to flock to Spokane for jobs, there is no substitute for hard work, coupled with the dexterity and unparalleled experience, skills, and knowledge to ace that job!
For your immigration related concerns, you may contact Quiroga Law Office, PLLC at (509) 560-7051.
Or email Hector Quiroga, a Spokane immigration lawyer, here.